INBOUND LEAGUE New Year’s Event -2018-
INBOUND LEAGUE New Year’s Event -2018-
↓↓English Description below↓↓
集い、働き、繋がる場所「INBOUND LEAGUE」。
13:00 イベント開始
1. お神輿体験(3部・各30分程度)
2. お餅つき体験(3部・各30分程度)
3. 書き初め(随時)
15:30頃 イベント終了
INBOUND LEAGUE 1階(Info Garage)
東京都新宿区新宿5-15-14 160-0022
※1 スタッフへの事前の相談や許可なく、企業採用、イベント勧誘、宗教団体を招待しないでください。
※2 当社は、関係行事において、規定の規則を遵守しない者または不適切な行為を行う者を拒否する権利を留保します。
※3 当イベントでの身の回り品の損傷や紛失を保証または補償することはできません。
※4 イベント中に撮影した参加者の写真や動画をHP、SNS(Facebookなど)、広告等に掲載することがございます。ご了承ください。イベント写真にお客様のお顔が出てしまうと不都合な場合は、事前にスタッフまでお申し付けください。
※5 予約後、キャンセル料の払い戻し等は受け付けておりません。
※6 当社は、お客様の同意なしに第三者に個人情報を開示することはありません。
※7 最大参加人数は30名となります。登録は先着順となりますので、参加ボタンによる参加申し込みをお願いいたします。
UDS株式会社 地域コーディネイト部
INBOUND LEAGUE コーディネイター 長谷川 幸志
1992年に設立した「都市デザインシステム(Urban Design System)」です。
これからのグローバル&ローカルビジネスを考える人たちが集い、働き、繋がる場所。それが、INBOUND LEAGUE です。
これからのビジネスを考える上で”インバウンド” は一つの外せない視点です。
INBOUND LEAGUEは、インバウンドに関するリアルで最新の情報とネットワークが集まるワークプレイスです。
また、INBOUND LEAGUEは働く場所に留まらず、外国人専用のシェアハウスや畳敷きの和室スペース、
INBOUND LEAGUEは、これからのグローバル&ローカルビジネスを考え、実践する人たちのためのチャンスに溢れた場所です。
[ Best Colleague for Good Community – 最高の「同僚」とつながるコワーキングスペース ] をコンセプトに展開するLEAGUEでは、
INBOUND LEAGUE New Year’s Event -2018-
【Event Summary】
“INBOUND LEAGUE” that is the place, gathered, worked, and connected people thinking about future global & local business. We opened on Friday, October 20, 2017. At the new facility still in its eyes, we will hold an event to celebrate the New Year. Let‘s start a good start in 2018 together with facility users, neighborhoods, tourists as well as feel Japanese Japanese culture ! On the day, in the sense that it catch the fortune, we are content with plenty of things such as carrying a 神輿(Mikoshi), pounding rice cakes and tasting sake.
【Date & Time】
Sunday, January 20, 2018 13:00~15:30
【Event schedule】
13:00 Event start
With only 1coin (500 yen)
▶︎ Special 2 sake (selected by SAKE sommelier in BUNKA HOSTEL) + some snacks.
In addition, we prepare three Japanese culture experience contents,
1. Experience of a shrine (3 copies / each for about 30 minutes)
2. Experience with rice cake (3 copies / each for about 30 minutes)
※ You can eat rice cake that you poured free of charge.
3. Start writing (as needed)
Event closing around 15:30
INBOUND LEAGUE 1st floor(Info Garage)
5-15-14, Shinjuku, Shinju-ku, Tokyo 160-0022
※2min from Shinjuku 3-chome sta
【Events Fee】
※Some foods and drinks are charged
【Other information & Disclaimers】
※1 Do not invite any other types of businesses, people soliciting other events, or religious organisations without prior consultation and permission of event staff.
※2 We reserve the right to refuse any participants in our related events who do not follow the stipulated rules or those with inappropriate behavioural conduct.
※3 We cannot guarantee or cover any damage or loss to your belongings at the event.
※4 We would like to ask for your permission to allow pictures and videos of participants taken during the tour to be posted on our homepage, Facebook, and event advertisements. If you would not like your face to appear in event photos, please speak to one of our event staff.
※5 We will not disclose Personal Information to third parties without the consent of our customers.
※6 After reservation, refunds for cancellations cannot be accepted.
※8 We will not disclose Personal Information to third parties without the consent of our customers.
※9 Only 30 guests will be able to participate. Registration is on first come first served basis.
UDS Ltd. Community Coordinate Department
info@inbound-league.jp(Staff:Koji Hasegawa)
【About the event organiser】
■UDS Ltd.
UDS first began in 1992 with the establishment of Urban Design System, a design firm dedicated to creating fully enjoyable urban living arrangements that function as systems designed for business feasibility and community life.
Our fundamental attitude is one of enjoying our work as we constantly, deliberately pursue design excellence, feasibility and a community-oriented approach. What we consider “fun work” consists in making our clients happy and generating solid profit by coming up with things and ideas that we ourselves would like to have, and which benefit society.
Having been in operation for nearly a quarter of a century now, we are grateful to everyone for having been able to navigate our way through some turbulent waters. During that time, we have expanded our areas of activity from community housing with a focus on community development with hotels, as well as commercial and public facilities. The fundamental principle, which has remained constant since our founding is our commitment to truly grasping the needs of our clients and of local communities, and doing work that earns praise by exceeding expectations. This is why we incorporate planning, design and operation into proposals that strike a comprehensive balance.
(URL : http://www.uds-net.co.jp/company/message)
The place where global and local business thinkers gather, work and bond with each other.
Considering inbound groups is one of the important keys for the future of global and local businesses. INBOUND LEAGUE is a space, which foreigners can enjoy regardless of where they work. Inbound league also has a share house for foreigners, featuring aTatami room, Tour sale, Cafe, Bar as well as an event space.
INBOUND LEAGUE is managed by UDS, which also put into motion LEAGUE Ginza,
and LEAGUE Yurakucho.. Based on the concept of being the “Best Colleague for
Good Community.”, it aims to create new collaborations with organisations through new community design using a variety of innovative methods.