EVENT イベント

書道(Sho-do) Japanese Calligraphy School




書道(Sho-do) Japanese Calligraphy School
▼Recommended for those who…▼
✔︎are interested in Japanese diverse culture and tradition
✔︎want to be able to write your name in Kanji(Chinese Character)
✔︎want to exchange language with local people.
【Event Summary】
Recently, do you have a quiet time to face yourself?
People who are passionate about work and academics,
they aren’t be able to calm their own mind and make time to face themselves. Right ?
At this shooting experience event, Japanese Calligraphy Master who is active in Japan and overseas as well teach writing Kanji(Chinese Characters)and making calm with writing.
We will have a concentrated sutra experience session for 1 hour and 30 minutes.
Don’t you wanna take any time for mindfulness ? and experience Japanese culture ?
【Date & Time】
November 26th , 2017
Japanese Calligraphy Experience (Soutra)
【Place】INBOUND LEAGUE 8th floor
5-15-14, Shinjuku, Shinju-ku, Tokyo 160-0022
Only 15 guests
-Application form:http://ptix.at/T2hlb6
※ Registering attendance on this facebook event page does not reserve your place at this event – please ensure to book your place using the above application form.
【Events Fee】
【Instructor Profil】
香之 – KOUNO (Real name : 浦岡 香 – Kaori Uraoka)
Calligrapher(書道家) , Seal engraver (篆刻家)
Limited company limited style representative
2-11-29 Ohki, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka city
ATELIER KOU Hong Kong COMPANY LIMITED representative
She was born in Fukuoka
From 3 years old I am familiar with writing brushes
She established style fit limited company.
She launched ATELIER KOU Hong Kong COMPANY LIMITED subsidiary in Hong Kong.
「From Fukuoka to Asia and to the world」
With this concept , she does Live Calligraphy performance in Fukuoka, Tokyo, Hong Kong, Bangkok, Phnom Pen.
She had calligraphy classroom (15 locations in Japan and overseas) and these activities such as store logo production.
【Exhibit History】
From 2011 to 2012 at Fukuoka City, Tenjin.
Hong Kong 2012.
【Main performance rally ,performance live and lecture】
Hong Kong Hitachi 50th anniversary event.
NTT West Japan NTT West Japan FukuokaBranch.
Global Management Conference in Kyushu Grand Hyatt Fukuoka.
Royal University of Cambodia Phnom Penh University July 2017.
JAPAN EXPO IN Bangkok Scheduled for September 2017.
【Award history】
The 29th Yomiuri Legal Exhibition Winner.
The 29th Japan Excavation Exhibition.
The 30th Japan Excavation Exhibition.
The 32nd Japan Intercourse Exhibition Encouragement Award. Committee Member of the Japan Inviters Association.
【Other information & Disclaimer】
※1 Do not invite any type of business, other events, or religion without permission of staffs.
※2 We reserve the right to refuse any participants in our related events who do not keep to the rules, morals and manners.
※3 We can not guarantee any damage, loss, or trouble in those events.
※4 Please agree to allow pictures and videos of participants taken during the tour to be posted on our homepage, Facebook, and any advertising documents.
※5 We will not disclose Personal Information to third parties without the consent of our customers.
※6 After reservation , we can’t accept basically cancellation according to your circumstances.
※7 Only 20 guests will be able to participate. Registration is on first come first served basis. We beg your kindness.
【Abot the event organizer】
♢ UDS Ltd. ♢
At UDS , we trace our origins to 1992 and the establishment of Urban Design System, a design firm dedicated to creating fully enjoyable urban living arrangements that function as systems designed for business feasibility and community life.
Our fundamental attitude is one of enjoying our work as we constantly, deliberately pursue design excellence, feasibility and a community-oriented approach. What we consider “fun work” consists in making our clients happy and generating solid profit by coming up with things and ideas that we ourselves would like to have, and which benefit society.
Having been in operation for nearly a quarter of a century now, we are grateful to everyone for having been able to navigate our way through some turbulent waters. During that time, we have expanded our areas of activity from cooperative housing with a community development orientation to hotels, as well as commercial and public facilities. One thing that has never changed since our founding, however, is our commitment to truly grasping the needs of our clients and of local communities, and doing work that earns praise by exceeding expectations. This is why we incorporate planning, design and operation into proposals that strike a comprehensive balance.
(URL : http://www.uds-net.co.jp/company/message)
UDS Ltd. Community Coordinate Department
info@inbound-league.jp(Staff:Koji Hasegawa)
書道(Sho-do) Japanese Calligraphy School
2017年11月26日(日)13:00~14:30 (受付開始12:30〜)
12:30 – 受付
13:00 – 14:30 写経/書道体験
14:30 – イベント終了
香之 KOUNO(本名 浦岡 香)
有限会社style fit 代表
1968年 福岡生まれ
1993年 有限会社style fit設立
2013年 香港現地法人ATELIER KOU Hong Kong COMPANY LIMITEDを立ち上げ
2011年から2012年 福岡市天神にて
2012年 香港
香港日立50周年記念イベント 香港リッツカルトン
NTT西日本         NTT西日本福岡支社
グローバル経営者会議in九州 グランドハイアット福岡
加藤 登紀子ライブ共演    カンボジアプノンペンD22
カンボジア王立プノンペン大学 2017年7月予定
JAPAN EXPO INバンコク   2017年9月予定
第29回 読売書法展入選
第29回  日本篆刻展特選
第30回 日本篆刻展特選
第32回 日本篆刻展奨励賞 日本篆刻家協会委員
※1 ネットワークビジネス(マルチ商法等)、宗教活動等への勧誘行為、ナンパ行為、暴力行為等をはじめとする迷惑行為は、おやめください。
※2 上記行為を含め、本イベントの趣旨と異なる目的での参加は、お控えください。運営スタッフの判断により、上記行為を行なった参加者にはご退出して頂きます。(参加費の返金は致しません)
※3 お客様都合によるお申込み後のキャンセルおよび返金はお受けしておりません。予めご了承ください。
※4 当イベントにて撮影させて頂いた写真や動画はインターネット上で使用させていただくことがございますので、もし何か不都合がございましたらイベント開始時刻までにご連絡頂きます様お願い致します。
※5 イベントにおける何らかのトラブル、損失・損害につきましては、イベント主催者は一切の責任を負いかねますので、予めご了承下さい。
UDS株式会社 地域コーディネイト部